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As an established neighborhood with mature trees and a bordering creek, Jamestown 1607 is home to abundant wildlife. This is an integral part of our community's charm. By reducing the use of pesticides and incorporating more native plants into their landscaping, residents can help support the countless species that call 1607 home.


Virginia's "Habitat at Home" Guide (PDF)

VADWR "Habitat Gardening for Wildlife" (PDF

VANPS Native Plants for Southeastern Virginia Homeowners (PDF)

Chesapeake Bay Native Plant Center â€“ Search the database for native plant options for your yard's conditions

Virginia Native Plant Society â€“ Find a list of nurseries and plant sales where you can buy native plants



Wildlife Commonly Seen in 1607

Grey squirrel

Eastern cottontail

Whitetail deer


Virginia opossum*

Red fox* ***

Barred owl

Eastern screech owl

Great horned owl ***

Bald eagle ***

Red-tailed hawk

Cooper's hawk

Sharp-shinned hawk

Turkey vulture*

Black vulture*

Evening bat

Hoary bat

Eastern red bat​

Tri-colored bat

Common house mouse *

Common field mouse *

Meadow vole

Eastern mole

Green treefrog

Squirrel treefrog

Green frog

Pickerel frog

Eastern American toad

Five-lined skink

Broadhead skink

Common ribbonsnake

Eastern rat snake

Northern black racer

Lightning bugs

Monarch butterfly

Swallowtail butterfly

numerous bee, wasp, spider, and beetle species




Wildlife Occasionally Seen in 1607

Eastern coyote* ***

Striped skunk*


Bobcat ***

Allegheny woodrat*

Snapping turtle


Woodland box turtle

Silver-haired bat

Northern long-eared bat

Little brown bat

Big brown bat


Wildlife Recently Seen in the Immediate Vicinity of 1607

American black bear *

Fisher ***



*     attracted to outside pet food and unsecured trash

***  may injure or prey upon small pets like cats and dogs under

       20 pounds if left outside unattended (especially after dark)



Please remember: Mosquitoes, fleas, and nuisance wildlife love a messy yard! Keeping lawns maintained and trash secured greatly reduces problems caused by critters that are attracted to garbage, pet waste, and standing water. 



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